Morven Museum & Garden

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Morven Museum & Garden

Picturing Princeton 1783: The Nation’s Capital

Picturing Princeton 1783 exhibition. Photograph, 2009. Bruce M. White.

Picturing Princeton 1783: The Nation’s Capital

June 1, 2008 – June, 2009


Bank of Princeton
Frederick Bartenstein
Borden Perlman
Meg and Austin Buck
K. Philip Dresdner
Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLC
Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen
Robert L. Froelich
Gloria Nilson GMAC
Hamilton Jewelers
Robert Hendrickson
Carol and Robert Henry
Howard Design
Barbara Israel
Johnson & Johnson
Sam and Casey Lambert
Fleury Mackie
Main Street Grill
Mrs. W. Frederick Mittendorf
Avril Barton Moore
N.T. Callaway Real Estate, LLC
Philip Norkeliunas
The Olsen Foundation
Suzanne and Charles Plambeck
Mac Powell, in honor of his father, Major General Cecil W. Powell
Carl D. Reimers
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
W. Brooke Roulette
Judith and William Scheide
Georgie and Reeve Schely
Dorothy Shepard and David Tolman
Ann and Austin Starkey
Alexandra Tatnall
Thomas Sweet Ice Cream and Chocolate
Ann Thomas Thurm
Daphne and Charles Townsend
Wachovia Securities
Richard and Abigail Weidel
Cynthia Weshnak
Ann and Stephen West
Clarrissa Willemsen
Myra and Van Zandt Williams
Ruth and Nick Wilson
Brenda and Edwin Wislar
Heartland Payment System
PNC Foundation


Over 40 lenders contributed to this 10-gallery landmark exhibition, interpreting Congress’s five-month stay in Princeton in 1783. The exhibit shows the military crisis in Philadelphia that prompted Congress to take flight for the rural village of Princeton, the president of Congress’s residence at Morven, meetings of Congress at Nassau Hall, George Washington’s arrival in August, the Treaty of Paris negotiations to end the American Revolution, and Congress’s victory celebration in Princeton in October.

Winner of the 2010 New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance Author’s Award and the New Jersey Library AssociationAvailable for sale in Morven’s Museum Shop or on Morven’s Amazon.

Winner of the 2010 New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance Author’s Award and the New Jersey Library Association

Available for sale in Morven’s Museum Shop or on Morven’s Amazon.